The exit is above!
Erika Helene Etminan
The polarization between liberal and conservative can be observed not only in the USA, but everywhere in the world: in cultural development as a whole and even in the various religions. Humanity is divided! The liberal forces are pulling in the general direction of absolute individual freedom, while the conservative forces are standing on the brakes to save the tradition and the conventional values. Where the conservatives want to cast their ideas and values in ironclad, often lifeless norms and regulations, the liberals absolutize individual freedom and take it away from its responsibilities. Both fronts act with a dogmatic claim to absoluteness. Now, during the election campaign, the tone of the discussions is becoming increasingly sharp. The mood has become so heated in the media that many people see this polarization as their own personal war. Points of view have turned into huge castles with thick walls, which have now become veritable fortresses - without windows, but with loopholes. In keeping with today's fake culture, bullets of insult and denunciation are used in battle. The gun powder consists a lot of aggression and the bombs are working by the attempt or accusation of electoral fraud. Unfortunately, these bullets and bombs do not only hit the opponent's supporters. They hit democracy itself, because they mercilessly destroy its substance: cooperation, fairness, tolerance, and nobleness.
The playing field of democracy has thus become a battlefield on which everyone will lose. A declining level of communication and behavior can be observed, both among some representatives and among some voters. However, phenomena such as separation and polarization are aspects that do not come from God, they come from our egos. Our egos need a firm standpoint in order to feel secure in their own castle, that is normal. But it becomes difficult when it derives its security from the conviction that it is absolutely right. No matter which side of the polarization, egos want to be right. This increasingly gives the impression that this election campaign is bringing out the worst in people that they are apparently capable of. What was once a democracy has degenerated into a tragedy; it seems to have reached its ignominious end. But what comes next? Where is the exit from this disgraceful spectacle?
Personally, I hope that democracy has not yet reached its end, because there is still a way out. Polarization only divides people who allow themselves to be polarized. It is time for us - individually and as a society - to regain the high level that is essential for a functioning democracy. The development of personal integrity and a truly lived spirituality could help us to do this. This means a spirituality that focuses on the spiritual core at the center of our person, on the true soul that is present in each of us, even in our worst enemy. And although it is common to refer to the psyche as the soul, the actual soul is not part of our psyche, but is located at the core of the psyche. The soul, or this spiritual core of being, is the connecting center between all poles. An old hymn emphasizes: "In Christ there is no East or West, in Him no South or North." In Christianity, this actual soul is often referred to as the mystical "Christ-in-us". But other religions are also aware of this conscious core at the center of a person, although they have different names for it. On the path of spiritual development, we can discover this core of being within us, develop it and make it a reality in our own lives by living according to it. In the middle of the playing field, in the midst of the toughest disputes between the opposing parties, we can then grow and develop - if we remain ethical. In doing so, we do not develop to the left or right, not in the direction of liberal or orthodox, but upwards. The higher levels as a person are only achievable if we do not focus on power, money and career, but on real development. Whether with or without religion, development has something to do, above all, with ethics. And whether liberal or conservative, we should remain ethical in order to keep ourselves and the playing field clean. "Love your enemies" is probably not yet possible for most of us, but we can honor our enemies and treat them well. Democracy will thank us for it!
Published in: MISSOULIAN, Aug. 4 / 2024