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It's time to change!

Erika Helene Etminan


We live in a culture that is all too wasteful with the earth's resources. The merciless exploitation of raw materials, the profit-oriented production of goods and food, our wasteful use of them and our thoughtless way of throwing them away: it could hardly be more careless! Already in 1972 the book "The Limits to Growth" was published by the Club of Rome, which at that time already came to the frightening insight that our earth is "in agony". At the same time there was here in USA a prophecy of the Cree Indians with the same, sobering statement, namely that after all resources are used up and the whole nature is polluted and poisoned, we will discover that one cannot eat money. This was 50 years ago. What have we done with such insights? What have we changed? Nothing!

In my opinion, the fault does not lie with the sciences or the applied sciences, but with the development of technological processes that are then used for completely industrialized production. We no longer believe in God, but we believe in technology? Unfortunately, technology too often ignores the health of people, animals, nature and planet Earth. However, technology itself does not seem to be the deciding factor. But behind the technology are people who want to earn a lot of money with it; and behind it are also consumers / customers (i.e. us) who want to buy everything as cheaply as possible. We ourselves are the ones who do not respect the health of others and the environment. Why do we treat everything so carelessly? The main reason seems to be our mentality, which is directed to more. More money, more success, more comfort ... growth without end, the dogma of our time. And we are not giving up yet! The first motivation in dealing with environmental problems is therefore: damage limitation, development of new technologies and the search for ever new energy sources. The show must go on! We have no motivation to really change or even reduce anything. Our lifestyle and standard of living are the "sacred cows" of our culture. After all, we want to have a good life, don't we? And we are convinced that we are entitled to it. Even though we know that nature and planet Earth are in need! And that intervening changes are long overdue: It is 5 to 12 - maybe even already 5 past 12.


Why is it so difficult to change the lifestyle and the mentality behind it? The problem is our ego, which is mainly concerned with its own well-being. It separates itself from the Greater Whole with its egoism, while the soul at its core longs for connection with others and rejoices in their well-being. Our ego is the drive within us to always have more. With this drive and with its conviction of being more important than others, it drives us to ruin. Unless we manage the reversal, the turn towards the We, towards the We-All. Only when the well-being of others is more important to us then we will be able to change our behavior. This turning to others is also called love! Are we able to love others more than ourselves? If so, then change is not so difficult. Because once we have the intention to treat others and the planet better, we are able to do it. But it takes our decision, from each of us! Because unfortunately we can't change other people's mentality, we can only change our own. But if we don’t do this voluntarily, now, very soon, life will teach us what we have not understood so far: That you can't eat money!


Published in: MISSOULIAN, May 19 / 2023


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